According to legend, Erice, son of Venus and Neptune, founded a small town on top of a mountain (750 metres above sea level) more than three thousand years ago. The historian Thucydides (~ 500 B.C.), writing about events connected with the conquest of Troy (1183 B.C.) and the escape on the sea towards the West, said that the Elymi - historical founders of Erice - were survivors from the destruction of Troy. This inspired Virgil to describe the arrival of the Trojan royal family in Erice and the burial of Anchises, by his son Aeneas, on the coast below Erice. Homer (~1000 B.C.), Theocritus (~300 B.C.), Polybius (~200 B.C.), Virgil (~50 B.C.), Horace (~20 B.C.), and others have celebrated this magnificent spot in Sicily in their poems.
From the 13th to the 19th century the town of Erice was under the leadership of a local oligarchy, whose wisdom assured a long period of cultural development and economic prosperity which in turn gave rise to the many churches, monasteries and private palaces which you see today.
The beautiful Aegadian Islands can be reached by frequent regular boat service from the Trapani harbour (20 to 90 minutes, depending on the island). Splendid beaches are nearby at San Vito Lo Capo, Scopello, and Cornino, and a wild and rocky coast around Monte Cofano: all less than one hour's drive from Erice.
The working conditions of the Centre for Scientific Culture "Ettore Majorana" are excellent. Conference halls are equipped with technological devices for lectures; there is a lot of room for individual work and discussions; drinks, fruits and sandwiches are freely available in adjacent rooms; meals can be taken in Erice restaurants of your choice (most of them have a convention with the Centre). Mineral water is available (free of charge) at the Centre, as well as Marsala wine in the conference lounge (in the evening).
One or two excursions will be organized during the conference. Possible destinations are the cathedral of Monreale and Greek temples in Sagesta.